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Is your home shredder secure?

Is your home shredder secure?

Home shredders are getting more use now than ever. Since Covid hit we are home shredding more and more. Many offices are opening up but many businesses are still closed. Home shredding is now a big deal. Home shredding can lead to a data breach if you are not careful. We as homeowners or business owners want to keep that shredding confidential at all times. Here are a few reasons that your home shredder could be a possible breach of data in the making.

Use a local shredding service.  Save time and money by utilizing a certified licensed and bonded shredding company.
Dumpster divers can get their hands on your personal confidential documents.

Where does your shredded paper go after you shred it?

Most of us are putting all that home shredded paper in a bag and into a recycling container for curb side pickup or drop off at your local recycling center. You may not be aware but the vast majority of recycling centers here in Texas will not recycle shredded paper or shred documents. The thick shredded paper will clog up the ill-equipped shredding machines at the recycling center and can potentially start machine or electrical fires. All of that effort that you put into shredding paper could be in vain because ultimately it will end up in a landfill. If you want your shredded paper to go to a recycling center just go to your search bar and type home shredding service or shredding service near me and boom: Click on Embassy Records Management and Storage. 100% of or shredded recycled office paper goes to a shredding recycling center.

Some folks like to burn their shredded paper. This can backfire and cause wildfires if not burned with proper oversight. Shredding paper is great for the environment. Burning shred paper is not good for the environment and can take hours and involve lots of clean up.

Home shredding continuous shred strips are a major security risk.

Did you know there are hundreds of software applications that can piece you home shredding material together and reorganize it back to it’s original form. Embassy Records Management can cross cut shred you home shredding with thousands of other customer documents to ease your security data breach concerns. Dumpster diving at homes or businesses is a real threat. It is happening more that ever since the pandemic hit. It is estimated that 8-11% of all Americans will have their identities stolen this year due to lack of data controls by individuals or residences. It simply is not worth the risk. ERMS makes sense for you to hire a local NAID certified home shredding service.

Give us a call any time at 800-717-1443.

Our Waco, TX address is 2100 Webster Ave. Waco, TX 76706.

Our College Station, TX location is at 6936 Old Jones Rd. College Station, TX 77845.

Use a professional paper shredding service near you.  Cross cut shredding.  Continous cut shredding machine.
Home shredder machines can be very unsafe

Is your paper shredder slow?

Time is money and our shredding service is super-fast and hassle free!! The vast majority of home shredders are shredding at a tortoise’s pace. Is your shred project spiraling out of control? If you are comfortable with a drop off site then you can head to our secure shred facility and drop of shred at your convenience. Having piles of confidential or sensitive documents lying around can result in a breach if the wrong person stops by the house. What about the pest control employee. Do you have an after-hours cleaning service come by? Could they accidentally stumble upon someone’s banking information or medical record information? These folks should not have access to your confidential documents and business papers. Please take all of these things into consideration and then maybe call a professional shredding service company like Embassy Records Management and Storage. We are the fast local friendly shredding service. Take a short trip up to your office and utilize those secure locking shred bins or consoles. We can even deliver a secure locking shred bin to your home ASAP.

Either shred drop off or shred pick up:  We can help.  Looking for a shred drop off location?  Bring it to Embassy
dumpster diving increases identity theft. Use a NAID certified paper shredding service.

How to avoid your home shredder from eating up your day:

Simple call the local shredding company near you. Embassy Records Management and Storage is your best and most affordable document and paper shredding company. Avoid those paper cuts and give us a call at 800-717-1443. We will save you time and money with our discounted shredding rates.

We are the trusted local paper shredding company in Central Texas.

Give us a call any time at 800-717-1443.

Our Waco, TX address is 2100 Webster Ave. Waco, TX 76706.

Our College Station, TX location is at 6936 Old Jones Rd. College Station, TX 77845.

Our Round Rock, TX location is at 1000 Heritage Center Circle Road. Suite 363. Round Rock, TX 78664.



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