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Where can I take documents to be scanned?

Typically, a standard banker’s box contains around 2,300 pages. Embassy charges between $.08-$.11

per page. Typically, that box will cost around $240 to be scanned and indexed.

Going digital meme
Digital office background

I get the following question regularly:

How can we convert our office to a paperless office?

The abbreviated version is to box up all your backlog pages or boxes and send them to us. We can prep,

image and data enter everything for your home office or business. You can ship them to our secure

location from anywhere in the US or Canada and we can get the job done. To save a little $$ it is best to

remove paper clips, staples, and rubber bands. We can data enter entire box descriptions or individual

file descriptions depending on your preference. Our imaging software uses an OCR process to refine

images and convert them into searchable PDF documents. Have pages with print on both sides? Not a

problem. Our scanners provide duplex imaging so both sides of the page are captured easily.

We can deliver your images for upload in many ways. Once you have reviewed your images, we can

shred all the originals once you have approved the final product. We are the most trusted shredding service near me in central Texas.

We can image your backlog papers on a budget. Larger projects can be costly and time consuming. If

you want 5 boxes scanned a month or 100 boxes we can accommodate for every budget.

Are your stored boxes truly permanent? If not, we can store them for about $.50 per box per month.

We also sell banker’s boxes for around $3.00 per box and we guarantee the boxes for the life of the box.

Storing boxes for several years is far less expensive than scanning and indexing an entire box. Either way

we are happy to sit down with you and go over your best option based on price. After scanning we can

securely shred everything for you as well.

We have found that this hybrid version of partial storage and imaging suits most of our client’s needs.

When imaging documents we need to ascertain an approximate idea of prep time and what indexing

needs to be captured throughout the process. Obviously the less we have to data enter equates to a

lesser product cost for you. Give us a buzz at 800-717-1443 for a free quote for our imaging services.

Embassy Contact Info:

Give us a call any time at 800-717-1443.

Our Waco, TX address is 2100 Webster Ave. Waco, TX 76706. 254-662-2505

Our College Station, TX location is at 6936 Old Jones Rd. College Station, TX 77845. 979-776-


Our Round Rock, TX location is at 1000 Heritage Center Circle Road Suite 363 Round Rock,

TX 78664. 512-466-2260.

Our Conroe, TX location is at 2040 N Loop 336 W Suite 127, Conroe, TX 77304. 936-647-




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